Support Your Fishery!

At Southtowns Walleye Association of Western New York, we look to you our valuable membership to help improve our Great Lakes fishery, without you we cannot achieve the goals we set forth to make this one of the greatest fishing resources in the world.

Your critical and unwavering support every year at all of our events keep our organization strong and makes our community a better to place to work and live. With a constant focus on improvements to not only our organization but our fishery, we are able to continuously make positive impacts in the region for everyone.

The Officers and Directors of the Southtowns Walleye Association wish everyone a great fishing and boating season. Keep our Troops in your thoughts and prayers. We wish them all a safe and quick return. We hope to see you on the water and keep your lines tight!

Become a Member of STWA

Visit our membership page and sign-up!
© 2024 Southtowns Walleye Association of WNY, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. | 5895 Southwestern Blvd. | Hamburg, NY 14075 | Tel. 716.649.8202